Raining Love and Peace
I woke this day to the sound of rain,
And smiled,
Blessing the gift from the heavens that nourishes the earth.
My heart went out to all things receiving the rain,
That they might feel the blessing
And be at peace.
A walk in the rain was my own blessing
Trickling down upon me.
I thanked the One for giving me the Knowing
That we are all connected,
And each one of us can share blessings
With each other,
With the birds flying high,
With the trees, grass and flowers,
With the planet.
As the wind blew by me bringing wet to my face,
I blessed the wind,
Wishing from my heart
That it bring peace, love, and blessings
To all who felt its currents upon them.
I passed birds in a bush, happily chirping away,
And blessed them that their Joy in life,
Be passed to all who see them,
To all who hear them,
And to all other birds who would then pass it on.
For Joy in life is respect for life.
Respect for life brings inner peace.
Inner peace, like laughter, spreads out like a wave,
In an ever-increasing circle.
Peace from each Heart
Brings Peace to the World,
Peace to the Planet.
Live Love.
Live Peace.
©2006 Kristen S. Boyesen
Gorgeous poem.Did you write it too?love your artwork.What i try to capture in photos you draw on canvas!Awesome pics.You can find beauty everywhere if you look close enough.My photogrpahy has grown as the blog has,Now i look for patterns, shapes, textures, as well as the usual growth and life of plants and flowers.I do think birds are spirits of nature and to see them happy and flying around is awesome.Good luck on your art work and inner peace!
Yes, I wrote the poem. I surprise myself sometimes with thoughts of writing, and have learned to drop everything and write when the urge hits, because if I try to remember later what had come to me as an inspiration, it is often stilted and lacking in spontaneity.
You are so right about finding beauty everywhere, just by looking. I am going to copy what I wrote to your blog in this comment so that people will see it and want to visit you too.
Thanks for your comments!
What I wrote to Snappy:
I agree that is was karma that I saw your garden blog as it went past on the updated list, and then again that I was able to click on it in time! I was very pleased at my wild impulse. Your blog is beautiful and has peaceful inspiritational thoughts.
I will be visiting again, to be sure. As an artist, I greatly appreciate your photography. The hosta photo is really nice. I love to find beauty in all things, and you captured wonderful colors and shapes from something most people would pull up and compost without a second glance. Your gift will help others to find such beauty in their lives, also.
Snappy's Blog is at: snappycrocsgarden
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